Code |
Name |
Message |
001 |
Invalid merchant UID |
An incorrect merchant UID was specified. |
002 |
Invalid application UID |
An incorrect application UID was specified. |
003 |
Invalid transaction index |
An incorrect transaction index was specified. |
004 |
Invalid Mode |
An incorrect mode was specified. |
005 |
Invalid merchant reference |
An incorrect merchant reference was entered. |
006 |
Invalid amount |
An incorrect amount was entered. |
007 |
Invalid card holder |
The card holder details are invalid. |
008 |
Invalid cvv |
The cvv details are invalid. |
009 |
Invalid expiry date |
The expiry date is invalid. |
010 |
Invalid card number |
The card number is invalid. |
011 |
Invalid input |
An invalid body to the request was submitted. |
012 |
Invalid HTTP method |
An invalid HTTP method type was specified. |
013 |
Invalid xml structure |
An exception was encountered validating xml against schema. |
014 |
Invalid ID Number |
An incorrect ID number was specified. |
015 |
Invalid refund amount |
Amount specified for refund is invalid. |
016 |
Disabled application |
The Application entered is disabled. |
017 |
Disabled merchant |
The Merchant entered is disabled. |
018 |
Unknown application |
Application does not exist on the Adumo Online system. |
019 |
Unknown merchant |
Merchant does not exist on the Adumo Online system. |
020 |
Unknown transaction index |
Transaction index not found on the Adumo Online system. |
021 |
Invalid card value |
There was a value of the card that was not populated or was populated incorrectly. |
022 |
Invalid interface |
The interface provided was not found in the data source |
023 |
MerchantID not associated |
The merchant ID is not associated to the user making the request. |
024 |
Application not associated to merchant |
The specified merchant and application are not linked. |
025 |
Invalid Remote Address |
The Remote Address is not associated with the application used. |
026 |
Connection error to service provider |
There was an error connecting to the service provider. |
027 |
Declined from service provider |
The service provider declined the transaction. |
028 |
Unexpected service provider response |
The service provider responded with an unexpected message |
029 |
Invalid Currency |
The currency that you have entered is not valid for this application |
030 |
Invalid CardType |
The card that you have entered is not a valid type for this application |
031 |
Encryption error |
There was an issue with encryption or decryption. |
032 |
File Parsing failed |
The file being parsed was invalid. |
033 |
Timed service exception |
Unexpected timed service exception. |
034 |
Error connecting to data source |
An error was encountered while trying to connect to the data source. |
035 |
Error reading the configuration file |
An error was encountered while reading the configuration file. |
036 |
File handling error |
There was an issue when handling files |
037 |
Data source handling error |
There was an issue when interacting with the data source |
038 |
Invalid Action |
The method that you have called is not valid for this application |
039 |
Invalid Iteration |
The iteration value that was submitted is not allowed. |
040 |
Invalid Date |
The date submitted is invalid. |
041 |
Invalid Recurring end date |
The recurring end date submitted is invalid. |
042 |
Invalid Installment |
The installment submitted is invalid. |
043 |
Request not authenticated |
Please refer to the merchantUID and applicationUID submitted in the request header |
044 |
Invalid Action Type |
Please refer to the documentation for valid Action Types |
045 |
Action Type not allowed |
Please contact Adumo Online for allowable Action Types |
046 |
Request declined by service provider |
Please contact {serviceProvider} |
047 |
No initial status provided |
No initial status provided for requested action. Please contact Adumo Online |
048 |
No successful status provided |
No successful status provided for requested action. Please contact Adumo Online |
049 |
No failed status provided |
No failed status provided for requested action. Please contact Adumo Online |
050 |
No declined status provided |
No declined status provided for requested action. Please contact Adumo Online |
051 |
Gateway not allowed |
Gateway associated to for this application is not allowed for processing via this API. Please contact Adumo Online |
052 |
Invalid Application Settings |
Application Settings has not been configured correctly for this application. Please contact Adumo Online |
053 |
Card Type not found |
No bin code is loaded for the provided Credit Card. Please contact Adumo Online |
054 |
Prior authentication required |
Prior authentication was required against 3D Secure. Please refer to the documentation |
055 |
Unique merchant reference required |
Unique merchant reference has been enabled in the console. The merchant reference has been sent in the last 24 hours |
056 |
Only a partial amount was approved |
Only a partial amount was approved |
057 |
No 3D Secure Authentication required |
No 3D Secure Authentication required. Please continue with credit card processing |
058 |
3D Secure Authentication failed |
3D Secure Authentication failed. Credit card transaction is not allowed |
059 |
3D Secure ECI validation failed |
3D Secure ECI has not been loaded against the provided application. Please contact Adumo Online |
063 |
Fraud - Blacklisted |
The blacklisting service has been activated and on the values were found |
064 |
Fraud - UCI Failed |
Fraud Module UCI has been configured to fail new transactions |
065 |
Fraud - UCI Flagged |
Fraud Module UCI has been configured to flag new transactions |
066 |
Fraud - UCI Denied |
The UCI has been set to be denied |
067 |
Fraud - UCI Failed |
Fraud Module UCI has been configured to fail unapproved transactions |
068 |
Fraud - UCI Flagged |
Fraud Module UCI has been configured to flag unapproved transactions |
069 |
Fraud - Geolocation Flagged |
Fraud Module Geolocation has been configured to flag when the country codes dont match |
070 |
Fraud - Geolocation Failed |
Fraud Module Geolocation has been configured to fail when the country codes dont match |
071 |
Fraud - Repeated Success Flagged |
Fraud Module Repeated Success has been configured to flag a transaction more than the successful configured threshold |
072 |
Fraud - Repeated Success Failed |
Fraud Module Repeated Success has been configured to fail a transaction more than the successful configured threshold |
073 |
Fraud - Repeated Fail Flagged |
Fraud Module Repeated Fail has been configured to flag a transaction more than the failed configured threshold |
074 |
Fraud - Repeated Fail Failed |
Fraud Module Repeated Fail has been configured to fail a transaction more than the failed configured threshold |
075 |
Fraud - Threshold Flagged |
Fraud Module Threshold has been configured to flag a transaction more than the configured threshold |
076 |
Fraud - Threshold Failed |
Fraud Module Threshold has been configured to fail a transaction more than the configured threshold |
077 |
Report not Found |
No data was found. Check that the provided report name are correct |
078 |
No data was found. Check that the provided report filters are correct. |
079 |
Invalid Security Settings |
Security Settings has not been configured correctly for this application. Please contact Adumo Online |
997 |
Unexpected service provider error |
An unexpected response was returned by the service provider. |
999 |
Unexpected system error |
An unexpected system error has occurred. |
998 |
Internal component lookup failed |
There was an issue with and internal component lookup. |
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