The information in your security profile, including your password and security questions and answers, is your best line of defence on the Internet. If this information becomes compromised or is easy to guess, unauthorized users are more likely to get through technological controls designed to keep them out. Here are a few tips for keeping this personal information safe:
- Never share your password or user name with anyone or store them on your computer.
- Practice smart password management. Create longer passwords; generally, they're more secure than shorter ones.
- Use a unique password.
- Passwords can be secure and memorable. You can create a password that's difficult for someone to guess, yet still memorable to you. Try one of these suggestions to create a strong password:
- Combine two or more words or abbreviations with numbers. For example, joe34blog
- Abbreviate a favourite phrase. For example, I ride my bike 50 miles every Saturday becomes irmb50mes.
Password dos and don'ts
Your password should be:
- Comprised of letters and numbers.
- Different than your passwords on other financial sites.
- Changed on a regular basis.
Your password should NOT be:
- Written down or stored on your computer.
- A common word or close variation.
- Comprised of anyone's social security number, name, or other personal information.
- Comprised of three or more sequential letters, numbers, or keyboard patterns (e.g., QWERTY).
- A minor change from your old password. For example, if your previous password was joe34blog, your next password should not be joe35blog.
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