In some cases you may need to refund a transaction. This could be due to stock availability, card holder purchase mistake, etc. When refunding a transaction the amount of the refund will be credited to the card holder and debited from your merchant account by the bank.
How to Process a Refund
- Go to “Products” tab and click “Payment Gateway”.
- In the left hand column click “Manage Transactions”.
- Underneath “Manage Transactions” click “Refund Transaction”.
- Choose your date selection that the original transaction took place
- Refine your search (optional)
- Application - This is the URL or website that you want to run your search on.
- Card Type – This is MasterCard , visa, amex or diners
- Transaction Mode – This is test mode (test transactions) or live mode (live transactions)
- Advanced Search - This can be used if you want to search by transaction reference, merchant reference, and rand amount or card holder name.
- Once you refined your search click the “Search Button”.
- Once you have identified the transaction that you want to refund, click the “green arrow” icon.
- A screen will appear with a text box that you can enter the amount that you want to refund. You can either fully or partially refund the transaction
- Click the “Process” button to refund the transaction
Note: If you partially refund a transaction you will not be able to process further refunds against that particular transaction.
Refunds can only be processed up to 6 months from date of transaction.
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