- As per MasterCard,Diners, Amex and Visa rules settlement of credit card transactions must be set to deferred (delayed).
- The credit card transaction will be authorized which will reserve the funds on the credit card until you choose to capture the transaction for settlement.
- Settlement can only be processed once of delivery of the purchased product has been initiated.
- If you are providing a product or service with real time delivery then immediate settlement can be configured on your account and the transaction will be settled in real time.
- The exception to using deferred settlement is if your product or service is delivered in real time, for example a booking service, a music download or similar.
- If your online product falls into the ‘real time delivery’ category, please contact our support team as this requires additional configuration from Adumo Online. The onus is on you to do this, otherwise you will be on ‘delayed settlement’ by default.
- If your product is not fall within real time delivery and you require immediate settlement you will need to get approval from your acquirer, once approved you can forward the request to Adumo Online and we will configure your account for Immediate settlement.
Note: Automatic settlement does however carry a higher risk than immediate settlement.
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